Cambridge Microscopy Meeting 2023

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 11th12th Dec 2023


The meeting will be held in Cambridge at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry.

Day 1: Monday, 11 December 2023
Time (GMT) Description
10:0010:30 Welcome and coffee (catered)
10:3010:40 Opening remarks by the organisers
10:4010:50 Update on microscopy for the School of Biological Sciences
Antonina Kruppa (Microscopy Coordinator for the School of Biological Sciences)
Session 1 : Method Development I
Session chair: Steven F. Lee
10:5011:20 Microscopy Development at the Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre
Martin Lenz
11:2011:40 Development of a photo-manipulation system combining holographic optical tweezers, patterned illumination and photoablation with confocal microscopy
Chengxi Zhu
11:4012:00 User-friendly Oblique Plane Microscopy on a fully functional commercially available microscope base
George Sirinakis
12:0013:00 Lunch (catered)
Session 2 : Microscopy of Materials
Session chair: Caroline Jones
13:0013:30 Microscopy of Atomic Defects in a Two-Dimensional Material
Hannah Stern
13:3013:50 Quantifying Ultrafast Three-Dimensional Transport Using Interferometrically Enhanced Pump-Probe Microscopy
Arjun Ashoka
13:5014:10 Microscopic Tracking of Mixed Ionic-electronic Transport in Conjugated Polymers
Scott Keene
14:1014:30 A Novel Method for Detecting Protein Aggregates Using Plasmonic Sensing
Matthew Cheetham
14:3015:00 Poster presentation flash round
Rebecca McClelland, Bin Fu, Shengbo Yang
15:0016:15 Poster session and coffee (catered)
Sponsor Techno Bites
16:1516:30 Zeiss: Taming the Lattice Lightsheet
Jonathan Shewring, Business Development Manager
Nikon: NSPARC – a new confocal detector for super-resolution imaging
Sanju Ashraf, Advanced Imaging Specialist for the Cambridge area
Teledyne Photometrics: Kinetix: The Next-Generation Scientific CMOS Camera
Matt Köse-Dunn, Marketing and Content Manager
Invited external speaker
16:3017:30 Exploring protein complex architecture with STORM microscopy
Mark Bates - Institute for Nanophotonics, Göttingen, Germany
17:30 Pub
Day 2: Tuesday, 12 December 2023
Time (GMT) Description
10:0010:30 Welcome and coffee (catered)
Session 3 : Method Development II
Session chair: Sam Daly
10:3011:00 Registration Free Simultaneous Multicolor DNA Paint
Edward Allgeyer
11:0011:20 Multispectral live cell imaging with uncompromised temporal resolution
Akaash Kumar
11:2011:40 A novel pipette manipulating microscope
Bing Li
11:4012:00 Knowing when to stop: a data-driven termination criterion for iterative deconvolution
James Manton
12:0013:00 Lunch (catered)
Session 4 : Applications of Microscopy to study Biological Problems
Session chair: Joseph S. Beckwith
13:0013:30 Dual-view oblique plane microscopy for cleared tissue imaging
Liuba Dvinskikh
13:3013:50 Super resolution imaging of amyloid aggregates from human disease models
John Danial
13:5014:10 Characterization and super-resolution imaging of small tau aggregates in human samples
Dorothea Boeken
14:1014:30 High density volumetric super resolution microscopy
Sam Daly
14:3015:00 Poster presentation flash round
Ben Sutcliffe, Caroline Jones, Ziwei Zhang
15:0016:15 Poster session and coffee (catered) + group picture
Sponsor Techno Bites
16:1516:30 Laser 2000: Searchlight: the right filter, right now
Toby Scrivener, Sales Engineer
Hübner Photonics: In the Art of Making Lasers
Kirn Akram, UK Sales Manager
Quantum Design: The benefits of Correlative Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Satyam Ladva, Technical Product Manager
Invited external speaker
16:3017:30 tbd
Akshay Rao - Department of Physics, University of Cambridge
17:30 Closing reception and dinner (catered)